eA 9th Edition

Seminar in Switzerland – Recap Day 3

Delegation Blogpost – Seminar Recap #3

Championing Digitalisation and Robotics at Competec Logistik AG

On our third ExploreASEAN seminar day, we visited Competec Logistik AG in Willisau and were given a tour of their state-of-the-art logistics centre. This gave us the opportunity to see one aspect of our overarching project theme, digitalisation, in practice. Competec Logistik AG handles all logistics tasks for the subsidiaries of the Competec Group, including Roland Brack’s well-known company BRACK.CH. The company has a special value proposition: order today and receive your products tomorrow. In order to be able to fulfil this value proposition, the company relies on a sophisticated and technology-supported logistics process, which you can impressively see and experience on site.


The first stop on our tour was the goods receiving area, where goods are received from external transport companies, entered into the system and then stored in the warehouse, from where the current stock of each product can be accessed online. Our second stop was the fully automated high-bay warehouse, where robots automatically store products in a low-oxygen environment and retrieve them from the appropriate shelf locations when orders are received. The low-oxygen environment is used to prevent fires.
Our third stop was the Autostore warehouse concept. A warehouse concept that consists of over 290 robots that drive like small cars on a grid system, storing and retrieving products and managing the stacking system of containers. Products that are ordered most frequently are stored at the top of these stacking systems, while products that are ordered less frequently are stored at the bottom. What is particularly exciting about this is that a robot can move to a loading station on its own when its battery is empty, the other robots take over in the event of a failure, and human interaction is only required in the event of a technical failure. The rack storage areas and systems are connected by several hundred metres of conveyors to the outgoing goods area, where all the products in an order are assembled and prepared for dispatch.


The dialogue revealed that one of the biggest challenges is that Competec Logistik AG supplies both private households (B2C) and companies (B2B) and therefore has to meet a variety of requirements and different sizes and quantities of goods.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Competec Logistik AG for the valuable insight. It was very impressive to see the use of robotics and the impact of digitalisation on logistics. We were able to ask many questions, receive valuable answers and gain new knowledge

Author: Urs Wermuth

Exploring Sustainable Energy Solutions in Switzerland with CKW

Nestled in the heart of Switzerland, CKW (Centralschweizerische Kraftwerke) stands tall as one of the country’s leading energy companies. With a strategic focus on the central region. CKW’s headquarters in Emmen (LU) serves as a hub for innovation and excellence in the energy sector. Supplying electricity to approximately 200,000 consumers, CKW’s commitment to sustainability and efficiency is evident in its diverse range of energy solutions.

Key Takeaways and Learnings

During our visit to CKW, we gained valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities surrounding sustainable energy generation in Switzerland. The presentation provided a comprehensive overview of the complexities involved in transitioning towards renewable energy sources while ensuring reliability and affordability for consumers. We looked at the issues and problems of today’s wasteful society and asked ourselves the question: What would happen in the event of an energy blackout in Switzerland?

From navigating regulatory frameworks to investing in cutting-edge technologies, CKW showcased their dedication to leading the charge towards a greener future. One of the key highlights of our visit was CKW’s expertise in sustainable energy generation such as solar energy, wind power and hydropower. CKW is actively involved in the expansion of renewable energy generation. It was remarkably interesting to learn how difficult and time-consuming it is to realize new projects in Switzerland, often due to high regulatory barriers. CKW’s commitment to renewable energy is evident in its innovative approach to harnessing the power of the sun and wind. Through the deployment of solar panels and the planning of wind farms, they are actively contributing to reducing carbon emissions and promoting energy independence. This aligns seamlessly with the circularity theme of our seminar.

CKW also showed us an example of energy generation from renewable energy. We were given a guided tour of the hydroelectric power plant in Emmen, where we learned how it works and why it is sustainable.

We had the opportunity to measure and compare our personal energy consumption. This was very eye-opening and showed us where energy is being wasted in our everyday lives and how we can optimize our energy consumption. We also looked at how sustainably other countries produce energy: It was shocking to see the polluting ways in which many countries are still producing electricity. This showed us the small role of Switzerland’s efforts in the global context.


In conclusion, our visit to CKW was both enlightening and inspiring. It reinforced our belief in the transformative power of sustainable energy and highlighted the importance of collaboration in addressing the challenges of climate change. Together, we can work towards building a more sustainable future for generations to come. However, we still have a long way to go.

Authors: Nick Binggeli & Alain Schweizer

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