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Lange Zug-Fahrt

About our Delegation

Exploring Opportunities to a new Life

Delegation Kick-off


On 18th of December 2024, aligning with the semester's end, we took the opportunity to meet with our delegation and introduce them to the upcoming 10th edition of exploreASEAN. The occasion served not only as an informative session about our planning but also as a chance to interact and get to know each other. 


Gathering together, our team kicked off the event by introducing our organising ensemble, fostering connections, and breaking the ice to build a vibrant atmosphere of campanionship.


Following this lively introduction, we provided insights into the captivating theme, milestones, and the exciting prospects of our upcoming Seminars in Switzerland and Abroad. These discussions paved the way for a deeper understanding and a shared vision among us. 


To conclude the day, we all shared a social aperitif, which provided an informal setting to build deeper connections and foster meaningful exchanges. 


We extend our sincere thanks to our delegation for the engaging discussions and we are already looking forward on meeting you again soon, at the latest on the occasion of our Seminar in Switzerland!


Meet the Delegation​

Eslbeth Schenk.jpg

Elsbeth Schenk

Accompanying Staff



Pascal Gfeller.jpg

​Severin Cecchin

BSc Energie- & Umwelttechnik



Surimad Bui.jpg

Surimad Bui

BSc Business Administration (International Management)​


Eva Hutmacher.jpg

Eva Hutmacher

BSc Business Administration (Betriebsökonomie)​


Lukas Niederer.jpg

Lukas Niederer

BSc Business Administration (Betriebsökonomie)​


Severin Cecchin.jpg

Pascal Gfeller

BSc Life Sciences 

(Biomedical Engineering)


Irem Ückilinc.jpg

Irem Ückilinc

BSc Business Administration (Betriebsökonomie)​


Larissa Bergmann.jpg

Larissa Bergmann

BSc Business Administration (Betriebsökonomie)


Remo Röthlisberger.jpg

Remo Röthlisberger

BSc Business Administration (Betriebsökonomie)​


Daniela Paltzer.jpg

Daniela Paltzer

Accompanying Staff



Karshiny Selvarajah.jpg

Karshiny Selvarajah

BSc Business Administration (International Management)


Visar Maliqi.jpg

Visar Maliqi

BSc Business Administration (Betriebsökonomie)​


Nina Moradi.jpg

Nina Moradi

BSc Business Administration (Betriebsökonomie)​


Janis Cattaruzza.jpg

Janis Cattaruzza

BSc Business Administration (Betriebsökonomie)​


Michael de Wild.jpg

Michael de Wild

Accompanying Staff



Samanta Voser.jpg

​Samanta Voser

BSc Business Administration (International Management)


Roberto Rochelin.jpg

Roberto Rochelin

BSc Business Administration (Betriebsökonomie)​


Sinem Sarigül.jpg

Sinem Sarigül

BSc Business Administration (Betriebsökonomie)​


Luca Kaiblinger.jpg

Luca Kaiblinger

BSc Business Administration (Betriebsökonomie)



Soraya Rieder

BSc Business Administration (International Management)​


Özlem Öztürk.jpg

Özlem Öztürk

BSc Business Administration (Betriebsökonomie)​


Janine Bohnenblust.jpg

Janine Bohnenblust

BSc Business Administration (Betriebsökonomie)​


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Marino Meyer

BSc Business Administration (Betriebsökonomie)




Seminar Abroad:

During our On-Site trip, our delegation is presented with the opportunity to tour local and international companies in the ASEAN region. This experience allows us to firsthand explore the ASEAN market and witness how these businesses incorporate technology, sustainability, and tradition. 

Closing Event:

In our closing event, all International Student Projects of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland will present their experiences made during the projects.​















Information about the Roadshow: 

E-Mail from degree program heads to students informing them about the Roadshow.

Application Opening,

Start of selecting the Delegation

Roadshow Muttenz: 


Room 11.W.01

Roadshow Brugg-Windisch: 



Roadshow Basel: 


2.24 / 2. OG

Roadshow Olten: 


OVR A 181

Roadshow Online Session: 


Mirosoft Teams​

Application Closure

End of selecting the Delegation

Contacting chosen Delegation Members â€‹

First Delegation Meeting

Seminar in Switzerland:

Our delegation will have the opportunity to discuss the characteristics of the ASEAN region with expert speakers, gain insights into their business world, and expand their professional network through company visits in Switzerland.

Of course, there are also secret 10th anniversary activities planned for this special week. 

Career Fair:

On the last day of the seminar in Switzerland, our partners have the opportunity to present their companies and get in touch with students from different fields of study.

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